One Pill Makes You Larger

One Pill Makes You Larger

Upside Down Under
Upside Down Under

You know how in Alice in Wonderland, one pill to makes you larger and one pill makes you smaller? I’ve been feeling like that – disorientated and out of proportion to my surroundings.

It started with jet lag and then continued with the wooziness from living on a rocking boat in Tonga and now a rolling RV in Australia. Things are just a bit off from how they are back home, like driving on the left, and sailing back into harbor with a green buoy on the right. The mental math required to convert currency, kilometers, and Celsius is taking longer than it should.

Exquisite designs all over Mission Beach made by sand bugs. Also, these may or may not be my shoes.
Exquisite designs all over Mission Beach made by sand bugs. Also, these may or may not be my shoes.

I feel oversized maneuvering a 39 ft catamaran and a wide RV. While the vehicles are huge on the outside, they have tiny rooms and appliances onboard. Even my shoes don’t fit right. In a moment of poor planning, the boys & I bought identical flip flops on sale. We’re each ½ size off from each other, so the shoes are constantly getting mixed up and sometimes I’m left with two left feet.

It’s a great vacation when you are so unplugged that you have to keep asking, “What day is it?”. Without wifi, even our iPhones are still stuck in the previous time zone. Did you know you are currently reading this post in my yesterday? We missed Father’s Day and the Warriors championship game because we were not prepared to be living in the future.

Luckily the clouds are starting to clear and the sun is shining. And like Alice, I am in a Wonderland.

2 thoughts on “One Pill Makes You Larger

  1. Leela,

    How delightful I feel, reading your words. You make it so very easy to be wherever you are, though in my future. (Does that make sense to you?) Your daily musings as to how “off” everything seems to you, are so well written, one can imagine feeling the same way.

    Thank you for taking us all on your family’s wonderful trip!

  2. Oh Leela, I love reading your blogs! No wonder you got all A’s on the essays and reports you wrote through out your schooling! ;>)
    I pray for your day when we go to bed and your sleep when I wake up – and quite a few in betweens! – so I know a little bit of that “time warp” feeling. HAVE FUN AND GIVE THE GUYS A HUG FROM US. Love, mom

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